Got Allergies and Find it Hard to Sleep? Here’s What Can Help!

  • 8 Oct 2024
  • Posted By: Admin

Allergies are a very common issue many people face, and if you are one of them, you know how frustrating it can be to combat the symptoms effectively. Whether it is the itchy throat, constant twitching of the eyes, sneezing, or stuffed nose, these can make functioning on a regular day quite difficult. And when it comes to sleeping with all of this, it only adds to the challenge. Now, if this interrupts the quality of sleep you’re getting, here are a few useful tips that can help you.

Invest in an Air Purifier

They are easy to set up and help maintain indoor air quality. It not only helps with pollen but also filters out dust mites, pet dander, and mold. So, whether or not you have bad allergies, it will help you get a good night’s sleep. Another tip would be to change the air filters in your home, so you breathe clean and fresh air.

Keep Windows Closed At Night

Keeping the windows open during the fall season may not be the best idea, as pollens and allergens can enter the room and contribute to your symptoms. Moreover, the pollen count is higher at night than during the day, making it crucial to keep out of the room.

Clean Your Furniture Regularly

Dust that has accumulated over time can also trigger your allergies. Make it a habit to dust your room and wipe down the furniture every other day, if not daily, to remove any unwanted dust particles. Your pillows and sheets should also be washed every two weeks. For bedrooms, it is advisable to use wood, metal, or plastic furniture instead of upholstery, as they are easy to clean and don’t collect a lot of dust.

Don’t Change Clothes Near Your Bed

While this may take a while to get used to, it is best to change your clothes in a different room, especially after spending a long time outdoors. This is to help keep any allergens you might have picked through the day. In fact, putting your clothes straight in the laundry room is advisable to prevent transferring of pollen anywhere in the room.


While many pet parents overlook them as a potential contributor to this, it could also be a possible reason. Not just this, pet dander can also be a cause of it. For these reasons, training them to sleep only on their bed might be a good way to keep them away from yours. However, if this is not possible, consider wiping them with pet-safe wipes to clean off any dirt or allergens.

Allergy Medicines

Many people often take this in the morning to help them function through the day without being affected by sneezing and constant itching. However, for a better night’s sleep, taking medicine before going to bed will help. Another alternative could be steaming at night to help keep your nose clear.

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