Sleep quality may be affected by snoring. The consistent rhythmic snoring noise makes falling asleep and staying asleep impossible. The upper portion of the breathing tubes being blocked or constrained is one of the common causes of snoring. The underlying causes can include airway congestion, pregnancy, and heredity. But because of the stigma associated with snoring, people tend to downplay their symptoms and put off getting the right treatment. In addition, most people are not even aware that they snore. Let’s move on to understand in detail the cause behind it and how it can be reduced.
Why Do People Snore?
Contrary to what many people think, body weight barely affects snoring. Airway obstruction or restriction is the main cause of snoring. Some of the reasons could be:
Genetically inherited long tongue, small nostrils, and low palate
Your parents have it Obstructive sleep apnea
How to Reduce Snoring?
It's okay to snore lightly. Your partner might not even be bothered by it. However, primary snoring, also referred to as mild snoring, interferes with your partner's sleep and negatively impacts your health.
Change Your Sleeping Position
Place a pillow between your knees or under your upper arms while lying on your side. Your spine and airways are realigned while you sleep, improving your breathing ability.
Address Underlying Issues
Any seasonal allergies causing airway congestion and breathing difficulties should be treated. A remedy can also be found for obstructions caused by anatomical issues. Sleeping with your mouth open while breathing through it is another bad habit that causes snoring. It narrows and dries out your airways. To lessen mouth breathing, use strips to keep the airway connecting to your nose open.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Make sure you don't drink for three hours before going to bed. And even if you do, watch out for going too far. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, which makes you snore and contributes to obstructive sleep apnea. Additionally, it lowers your breathing, making you breathe more quickly and more likely to snore.
Visit A Dentist
Seek out a dentist who specializes in sleep medicine. In order to open your airways while you sleep, they have a device that resembles a mouth guard that moves your tongue and jaw forward. Your breathing, while you sleep is enhanced by the open trachea.
Visit A Doctor
If you have tried every remedy possible and still find yourself snoring, it is best to see a doctor. They will examine your airways to detect the underlying issue. If you are sleeping alone, you could also keep a snore-tracking device to check the tips provided. It will also help monitor if you snore more on days when you are exhausted, as that could also be a cause.